Security intelligence is paramount – tracking known faces and identifying new threats to increase security and offer greater protection to your customers and staff.
Your customers and staff want to enjoy the day to day environment of your store or premises. They want to feel comfortable, safe and supported – free to get on with their activities, unencumbered by threat. Our system provides this comfort by – in its simplest form – watching the doors. Anyone that enters that is unwelcome - previous offenders, shoplifters, bag snatchers or abusive or violent individuals – are immediately detected, security is alerted, and the team immediately deployed to the area. When operating an open, public environment, the capacity to identify persons of interest is key to maintaining the security of the environment.
Obscured facial features, using scarves or other face coverings also present a challenge to security systems. Only machine learning has the capacity to identify features where much of the face is obscured. The Face Recognition Company’s technology meets and exceeds this challenge – providing a new and critical contemporary advance to further support inhouse security systems and protect the public – with ultra-accuracy, regardless of facial obscurity
Contact us to discuss your project.
Example applications:
Department Stores, Shopping Centres, Out-of-Town Retail, Casinos, Betting Shops, Supermarkets, Clothing Stores, Jewellers, Casinos, Sports Arenas, Transport Hubs, Public Houses, Restaurants, Fast Food Outlets, Galleries and Hospitals.
Operators of public access facilities have a clear requirement to consider all aspects of safety of their customers, workers and visitors in general. Sadly, not everyone entering your premises has honourable intentions, and those few can pose a significant threat to both safety and the commercial viability of your operation.
Furthermore, betting establishments such as casinos or high-street betting shops have a duty of care to identify and prevent any voluntary ‘self excluders’ from gambling. Fines for allowing self excluders to gamble can be severe and only face recognition has the capability to identify those persons that are not personally known to the shop staff, such as those visiting from out of town. Our solution operates with over a million faces in the database and generates accurate matches within only a few milliseconds.